
Cooperation with the Czech Universities

Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management (FLKŘ.UTB)

The cooperation has taken place with the Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management at Tomas Baťa University in Zlín (FLKŘ.UTB) since its foundation and has several forms.

First of all it is to ensure the tutorials in the subject called Process Management. To expand students´ knowledge there is ready a virtual trading and manufacturing company in the software myGEM. Students acquire basic skills in the area of processing a specific order from the trade, Technical Preparation of Production (TPV), purchasing, planning, production to delivery to the customer. The instructions for teaching are processed so that the student is able to handle a whole business case separately.

Another activity is the demonstration of specific software solutions in process management area and its presentation at conferences dedicated to enterprise logistics. As an example, we've introduced application of the concept syncromrp, advanced integration with the customer or other opportunities in the area of mobile technologies. Part of the cooperation is also keeping bachelor or master theses related to the subject mentioned above. The purpose of the cooperation is to introduce to students the current problems, which ate addressed in enterprises, thereby complementing theoretical study with practical experiences. We also offer to students the opportunity of realization of the diploma thesis on a chosen topic branch.

Cooperation with IBM

The company GEMCO, s.r.o. is an approved supplier for areas:

  • Management of processes, realization of projects in production and commercial companies
  • Evaluation of effectiveness of already realized software solutions, identification of weaknesses and proposals for next procedure
  • Creation of submission and consultation of tenders
  • Solution of the interface of the application software and the realization of requirements of the group of ISO 9001 and ISO 140001 standards, or the next requirements, including special methods and tools
  • Organization of workshops for improving the processes
  • And a lot of further activities, ...

Our products cooperate with important applications delivered by IBM company, namely especially CAD systems CATIA and SmarTeam, which are integrated to complex ERP solution.

Establishment of cooperation

If you are interested in establishing external cooperation with our specialists in the area of consultation, sales, analysis, tailored development or looking for project partner, contact us via e-mail: